

We’ve written about Melissa shoes on numerous occasions before on Inhabitat, because we are huge fans of the Brazilian company’s commitment to the environment with their vegan, recyclable plastic materials, their socially responsible trade and labor practices, and their cute and affordable designs, which make vegan shoes more palatable to eco-chic fashionistas. So despite any reluctance we may have to put this loopy red plastic shoe on our own foot, we are excited about the general direction that Zaha is going in here.

着名(或臭名昭着根据您的角度来看)对于她的宏观建筑手势,Zaha Hadid并不是为了她对实用性,舒适或可用性的承诺而闻名。我不得不说,据我所知,新的鞋子设计不会偏离扎哈的签名风格。橡胶鞋肯定是不寻常的,从美学的角度来看,具有可识别的Zaha-ISM,例如生物学启发的线条,切断和对角倾斜带。然而,尽管“有趣”美学,但他们看起来不太实用或可穿戴给我。However, if you’re in the market for a pair of limited edition ‘work-of-art’ shoes that look like they were designed for the movie Alien, they can be found for £200 at the Dover Street Market in London starting September.

+ Zaha Hakid.
